USA Swimming Levels

The following are the different levels of swim lessons we offer.  If your child is beyond Level 4, please reach out to the coach about Level 5.


 Swimming Skill

Enter and exit: shallow water

Fully Submerge face/blow bubbles/retrieve objects

5 full underwater bobs

Assisted front/back float (5-10 seconds)

Assisted front/back glides, WITH kicks

EETK: elbow, elbow, tummy, knees out of pool

Jump in unassisted

Level 1 safety checklist



 Swimming Skill

Push from wall glides-unassisted

Rolls-Front to back. Back to Front

Flutter Kick with board SOLO 15 ft

Assisted freestyle arm and leg swimming

Elementary backstroke

Assisted backstroke arm and leg swimming

Solo swim 5-10 ft on front

Side breathing freestyle

Intro treading water

Level 2 safety checklist



Swimming Skill

12.5 yards solo free swim w/ bilateral breathing

12.5 yards solo backstroke

25+ yards flutter kick with board

Intro dolphin kick- Buttons

Intro breast kick

Treading water 15-20 seconds

Start dive progression from side

Level 3 safety checklist



 Swimming Skill

25 yards free w/ bilateral breathing

25 yards backstroke

25 yards elementary backstroke

50+ flutter kick

12.5 yards Solo breaststroke

Intro butterfly- Buttons

Intro flipturns

Dive progression

Tread water 1 minute

Level 4 safety checklist